
‘Oasis’ amendment

On Thursday 13th December at St James’ there will be an Oasis Quiet Day for Advent beginning with coffee from 10.00 and ending by 3.00pm.

Come and spend some time in this quiet and special place reflecting on the meaning of the Christmas story and how God’s gift to the world can bring us from darkness into light.

Drinks and biscuits will be available, but please bring a packed lunch if you are staying all day.

‘Oasis’ Quiet Day update

On Thursday 13th December at St James’ there will be an Oasis Quiet Day for Advent beginning with coffee from 10.00 and ending by 3.00pm.

Come and spend some time in this quiet and special place reflecting on the meaning of the Christmas story and how God’s gift to the world can bring us from darkness into light.

Drinks and biscuits will be available, but please bring a packed lunch if you are staying all day.

Weekly News – w/c 3 December

PLEASE PRAY for people who may be alone this Christmas. Children, adults and elderly, who for many reasons may not have families or friends around them. Pray that everyone will feel loved, not just by human kindness but by the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, to know the reason He came and why we celebrate Christmas.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 21:25-36
At this time of year we focus and celebrate Jesus’ first coming, as a baby in a manger, but this passage reminds us to also prepare for His second coming. “At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”


Monday 3rd December
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 4th December
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 5th December
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s – Holy Communion, 9.30am
St James’ – Holy Communion, 9.30am
– 5 Alive, 5.00pm
St Mary’s – Holy Communion, 11.15am
Christ Church – Service of the Word, 11.15am

Wednesday 5th December
Growth & Development Evening – The Vicarage (please note new venue) at 7.30pm
Friday’s (weekly)
Greenacres Coffee Cake Morning – All are welcome! 10.00am – 12.00pm at Greenacres Care Home

Sunday 9th December
Candle Lighting Service for Bereaved Parents
– St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw at 6.30pm.
Please speak to Jacqueline for more information – 01484 663867

Thursday 13th December
OASIS Quiet Day – St James’ Church, Meltham Mills, 10.00am – 3.00pm (come and go as you must). Please bring a packed lunch.
Speak to Jenny for further details – 01484 859830

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Coffee Morning & Christmas Fayre – Sat 1st December

Coffee Morning & Christmas Fayre + other activities + Christmas Lights switch on!

Saturday 1st December, 9.30am – 4.00pm in #Meltham Church Hall

Stalls include Tombola, Preserves, Crafts, Cards and Paintings.

Refreshments will be served day – Mince Pies & Mulled Wine available.

Also a visit from Honley Male Voice Choir and from 12.00pm. Laurel & Hardy, plus other old movies, will be shown.


At 4.15pm there will be Carols in St Bartholomew’s Church and then the Christmas Lights are to be switched on at 5pm, followed by a Family Fun Night in the Church Hall at 7.00pm (tickets £3 each or £10 for a family of 4).


Weekly News – w/c 26 Nov

PLEASE PRAY for the people of the community as we approach the Christmas period. That they will feel a yearning to go to church, to sing, to hear the good news of the One who came as a baby, born in a stable, to offer His life as a sacrifice.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – John 18.33-37
‘Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

Monday 26th November
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 27th November
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 28th November
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s – Holy Communion, 9.30am
St James’ – Service of the Word, 9.30am
St Mary’s – Service of the Word, 11.15am
Christ Church – Holy Communion, 11.15am

Friday 30th November
Join us to celebrate this year’s project, plus enjoy a Fish & Chip Supper, 7.00pm. Please contact Judith Powell to book – 07954784317

Saturday 1st December
St Bartholomew’s Christmas Fayre at the Church Hall, 10.00am – 4.00pm
Christmas Carols & Light Switch – St Bartholomew’s Church, 4.00pm / 4.45pm
Family Fun Night – Church Hall, 7.00 – 10.00pm. Bring your own nibbles and drinks. Tickets available at the Flower Box

Sunday 2nd December
Carols in the Park at St James Church, 4.00pm. Volunteers & Mince Pies needed, please speak to Nigel Priestley for more details

Wednesday 5th, 12th& 19th December
MCT Advent Discussion Groups in the Methodist Church lounge, 10.45am – 12.00pm approx. Please speak to Rev Nancy Ndoho for more information (975778)

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

“Crisis” Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who supported the “Crisis” coffee morning. It really is a team effort and it couldn’t happen without our volunteers, the donations to the stalls and the visitors. The church looked great, there was a good atmosphere and we have raised £3,540 for the charity.

‘Crisis’ Coffee Morning

“Crisis” Coffee Morning

Saturday 24th November

10.00 – 12.00

St. James’ Church, Meltham Mills

Stalls for this year include:
Burhouse Beads
Traditional sweets
Crafts and gifts
Silent auction

Please support this event which raises money for the “Crisis” charity which helps the homeless throughout the year.

There will also be a stall selling Community Cards for the Welcome Centre and a stall raising funds for Operation Christmas Child.

Weekly News – w/c 19 November

PLEASE PRAY for California and other areas as they battle fierce fires sweeping through towns and homes. For all those who have lost their homes and possessions. For those who have lost family and friends. Please pray for the winds to die down and the fires to cease.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Mark 13.1-8
Let us be aware and wise to the signs that Jesus mentions regarding the end times. Let us not be deceived but be prepared by remaining close to Him.


Monday 19th November
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 20th November
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 21st November
9.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bartholomew’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bartholomew’s

St Bartholomew’s – Holy Communion, 9.30am
St James’ – Holy Communion, 9.30am
St Mary’s – Service of the Word, 11.15am
Christ Church – Holy Communion, 11.15am

Saturday 24th November – 10.00am – 12.00pm
“Crisis” Coffee Morning – Raising money for the “Crisis” charity that supports the homeless throughout the year. Event includes various stalls at St James’ Church,

Throughout December
Advent with Tearfund – Every day, in the run up to Christmas, Tearfund are sending out inspirational messages including videos, prayer and reflections for your personal quiet times. Why not join the campaign ‘Real Advent’ and use the precious days before Christmas to prepare your heart and minds? And be expectant for the season of Jesus’ birth. To receive the daily reflections visit ‘Christmas with Tearfund’ and enter your email address.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at