

As in previous years our four Churches of the Parish of Christ the King have all had their own Paschal Candle (Easter Candle).
Traditionally in the Church the Paschal Candle is painted with a cross, the Alpha and Omega, the year of that Easter celebration and a symbol of the resurrection.
Again we would like to invite anyone who would like to have a go and paint their own Churches candle for 2017 to get in contact with either Revd Maureen or Revd Charlene for further details.
Painting the Paschal Candle is a good Lenten practice where the artist has scope to create something that is both beautiful and symbolic for the coming year.
Many blessings Charlene.


will be available in the morning of Ash Wednesday 10.30am -12.30pm
and the afternoon of Good Friday 2.00pm-3.30pm
at St Bartholomew’s Church Meltham.

I will also be available throughout Lent
for you to either make your confession at a convenient time
or if you would prefer to deepen your understanding of this sacrament
then please do come and talk with me.

God’s Blessing:
Revd Charlene: 01484 851334,

Ladies Supper Evening

The next St James’s Ladies Supper Evening will be taking place on Friday 3rd February 2017!
It will begin with a chilli /jacket potato and pudding supper at 7.00pm.
Our guest speaker for the evening will be our good friend, Margaret Tiffany, who has lead a fascinating life ranging from her work as a midwife to mingling with the stars at glitzy ‘red carpet’ occasions! It promises to be a delightful evening. If you enjoyed our first Supper Evening please come again and invite a friend to come with you. If you didn’t manage to get to it, make sure you have put the date in your new diary, you’ll be missing a treat if you don’t!