Weekly News 28th August 2016
Celebrate 365 – Great weekend ahead!
Fancy meeting Saint Bartholomew this weekend?
Join us in #Meltham this weekend to celebrate 365 years of your village church. Lots happening. Loads of local Meltham heritage material on display, Songs of Praise and hear the newly restored Carillon for the first time! See http://www.melthamparish.co.uk/pages/celebrating-365-years/ for more info. Please RT
Weekly News 21st August 2016
Weekly News 14th August 2016
St Bartholomew’s 365 Meltham
In token of this there is to be a special gift day and heritage weekend around the time of St Bartholomew’s Patronal Festival 24th August 2016
St Bartholomew’s was established in 1651 at a time of great religious upheaval when Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector. The church in its original form does not exist, except for a few treasured remains which are in the church, principally date tablets from 1651.
St Bartholomew’s has many reasons to celebrate: an increase in church attendance, the completion of extensive work on the clock tower and restoration of the bells and the carillon. The latter is best described as a music box which plays up to 14 different tunes on the bells and can be programmed to play at specific times.
The carillon is one of only a few that exist within our Diocese of Leeds. This total restoration work could not have been achieved without the support of the congregation, the people and organisations in the village. The carillon has been restored after a period of over 45 years and its tunes will once again be heard in the village.
WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE CHURCH HALL on Saturday, 27th August? STALLS There will be stalls around the sides of the Hall selling stuffed toys, jewellery, preserves, cards, a lucky dip and others.
REFRESHMENTS Tea/coffee and biscuits with toasted teacakes on sale from 9.30am, tickets to be paid for at the door. Cakes and sandwiches will be on sale from late morning until 4.00pm. BLACK TIE EVENT 7.00pm – 3 course meal in the Church Hall, catering by Helen from The Foxhole. Ticket only.
WHAT IS HAPPENING IN CHURCH on Saturday, 27th August? If you would like to make a monetary gift of thanksgiving. Reverend Maureen will be in Church to accept it. Archive material, vestments, Meltham memorabilia and flower arrangements from the organisations who use the church will be displayed in church. Our own Knitted Bible figures will also be displayed over the weekend.
Children’s activities will take place in the back of church. CHURCH BELLS The tower will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm for anyone to go up and see the bells being rung. Donations will be welcome.
WHAT IS HAPPENING IN CHURCH on Sunday, 28th August? 9.00am – The church bells will be rung 9.30am – Worship for All service with special hymns.
Blessing of all the monetary gifts given on Saturday. Special Tea & Coffee get-together in the Church Hall after the service. 4.00pm – Songs of Praise service followed by a Carillon recital.