
Women’s World Day of Prayer

Women’s World Day of Prayer

Christ Church, Helme

Friday, 4th March 2016

at 11.00am

This year the service has been prepared by the Women of Cuba. The focus is on children

“Receive Children. Receive Me”.

The service will be followed by a simple soup lunch.

A warm invitation is extended to everyone: men, women and children, to come and worship and share with us in learning more about the church in Cuba and it’s concerns.

The Hospital bus from Meltham takes you to Helme.


Open Meeting: Children and Holy Communion

Children and Holy Communion

There will be an open meeting to discuss the option of our children receiving Holy Communion before Confirmation.

Ellie Wilson is from the Diocese and she will be joining us and helping our discussion.

All Welcome, especially parents and those involved with Children’s Work.

Monday 29th February at 7.00pm – at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills

Pie & Pea Lunch @ Christ Church, Helme

PIE AND PEA LUNCH @ Christ Church, Helme

Friday, 26th February 2016

12.00 noon-2.00pm

Meat pie, potatoes and mushy peas and Pudding

(Vegetarian option available)

Tea and Coffee included (Wine available to buy)


Tickets £7.00 available from Pat 851480 and Janet 851424

Hospital bus leaves #Meltham at 11.20am


Service of Remembering and Sharing – Sat 5th March @ 2:30pm

Dear Friend
You are invited to a Service of Remembering and Sharing.
On: Saturday, March 5th 2016 at 2.30pm at St Mary’s Wilshaw
It is for parents who have suffered the loss of a child of any age and from any cause.
Siblings, grandparents, family and friends are also welcome.
We welcome people from all faiths or none, and any-one who has lost a child, whether it was yesterday or many years ago.
The service will give you the opportunity to stand alongside other people ‘who know’ the pain of losing a child, and want to publicly acknowledge and remember our lost children.
The service will include a short message of hope from clergy and stories or poems from people who have suffered the loss of a child.
Regardless of your faith or belief, we hope this will bring you some peace.
If you wish, bring a flower to place during the service in memory of your loved one.
For more information contact Jacqueline on 01484 663867



Men’s Night with Rev’d Kevin Partington – Friday 11th March – 7:30pm


Rev Kevin Partington will be speaking at the next Men’s Night.

He’s a former business man who was called out of business into the Ministry. He will be talking about what made him take this step – and then what life was like as the Vicar of Dewsbury Minster with all the pressures that came with that role in that place! Clinton’s known Kevin years – I first met him before he became a Vicar. He’s a good lad and worth hearing.


Jean is making meat and potato pie – and we need numbers.

Put it in your diary and let Nigel Priestley know if you’ll be there!

Growing Together – Soup Lunch


Back by popular request!!….


You are warmly invited to join us after the Morning Meditation Service to share in a simple lunch of soup, bread and cheese ( and cake by request!).

There will be a basket for donations to support the work of Christian Aid,

but mainly we hope it will be an opportunity to chat with friends old and new over a simple meal.

The lunch will start as soon as possible after coffee and we hope to see you and your family there!

Tonight is the first night of Compline with the Community of the Resurrection


With the Community of the Resurrection Mirfield

Let us please join together for this Lenten Pilgrimage:


Every Tuesday Evening during Lent starting 16th February 2016: 

meeting at St Bartholomew’s Church Meltham at 8.30pm

travelling together to the Community of the Resurrection Mirfield

in time to join the brethren for Compline starting at 9.15pm.


Please let me know if you are interested, and if you would be willing to drive.

Revd. Charlene 01484 851334