
Jesse Tree – 12th December







jesse 12th

1 Samuel 16:1-23 – David, God’s anointed King


Your will, not mine, Lord, be done in all things,

wherever you may place me,

in all that I do and in all that I may endure;

when I am troubled and when I am at peace.

When I find fulfilment and when it is lacking;

when I have all things, and when I have nothing,

your will be done.

All that I have and all that I am

I willingly offer to serve you,

as and where you choose,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


(Adapted from the Covenant Prayer, Methodist Worship Book)

Jesse Tree – December 11th



Jesse 11th

Ruth Chapters 1-4 – Bethlehem: Ruth and Boaz


Jesus, as a mother you gather your people to you:

You are gentle with us as a mother with her children;

Despair turns to hope through your sweet goodness:

through your gentleness we find comfort in fear.

Lord Jesus, in your mercy heal us:

in your love and tenderness remake us.

In your compassion bring grace and forgiveness:

for the beauty of heaven may your love prepare us.


(A song of Anselm. Tr. Michael Vasey)

Jesse Tree – December 10th


Jesse 10th

Joshua 2:1-21 – Rahab and the Israelite spies


O God,

forasmuch as without you

we are not able to please you;

mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit

may in all things direct, and rule our hearts;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Amen .

(adapted from the Book of Common Prayer)

Jesse Tree – December 9th

Jesse 9th

Exodus 12:1-39 – From Slavery to Freedom


As children of God,

we pray for the freedom of our sisters and brothers throughout the world:

freedom from bondage and freedom from oppression,

freedom from hunger and freedom from want,

freedom from hatred and freedom from fear,

freedom to think and freedom to speak,

freedom to learn and freedom to love,

freedom to hope and freedom to rejoice.

Your Kingdom come.


(Adapted GL)

Jesse Tree – December 8th

Jesse 8th.

Exodus Chapter 1-3: God’s Call to Moses


Holy God, Holy and immortal, have mercy on us.

Forgive our inattention to your voice,

and our reluctance to obey your call.

Cause your Holy fire of justice and mercy to burn in our hearts,

that we may journey in faith, in hope, and in love

for you and your suffering children

wherever they may be found.


(Jesse’s Tree – Embrace the Middle East)

Jesse Tree – December 6th

Jesse 6th

Genesis 28:10-17. – God’s Promise to Jacob


Heavenly Father,

when we feel far from you,

with no idea of what may lie before us,

give us such a sense of your presence with us,

that we may hold fast to the promise you have given us.

Go with us, we pray, from this place and time,

and do not leave us, until what you have promised has been fulfilled,

through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


(adapted from GL)


Carols in the Park 2015!

Carols in the Park this year bordered on the miraculous. From 40-50mph winds to a stillness that let the candles quietly burn and create the magical atmosphere that makes the afternoon so magical.


How many came? No idea – 300-400 at least but we think they enjoyed it! Have a look at the photos!


Thanks to so many people:

  1. Crossroads and the Town Council for their funding and the use of the Park
  2. The stewards – we had more this year than I have ever seen
  3. Meltham and Meltham Mills Band who after a tiring weekend, including playing at Morrison’s, were up to their excellent best
  4. Meltham Community Choir – first outing and well received!
  5. The schools for their excellent readers and the choir – thanks to the heads, parents and teachers that came to support them
  6. Patrice and Sarah for sorting out the mulled wine and to all those who brought mince pies
  7. Anne Halstead drafted in to First aid
  8. Vanessa and Debbie Still for counting the pennies that brought in £237.32 to St Georges Crypt
  9. Steve Aspland without whom there would have been no power or sound – such a picture of calm!


Not forgetting, Simon “Twinkling Fingers” Ball and his singers, Richard Whiteley whose compering gets better every year, the readers, St James Church for the use of the building, the many people who took round the mince pies and the tidiers up afterwards, Rev Maureen and John for the use of their electricity(!) – the list is endless.


It was quite a weekend. The inaugural Carols in the Pub on Friday night had the participants drooling! And Saturday at St Barts went brilliantly or so I’m told!


Praise God!



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Carols IMG_6030

Jesse Tree – December 5th



Genesis 22:1-19 – Abraham and Isaac


God of Abraham and God of Isaac,

who said “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”,*

give us power to grasp how wide and long,

how high and deep is your love for all your children,

that rooted and established in Christ,

we may be enabled to offer you all that we are

and all that we have, within the all surpassing love

of Jesus Christ our Lord.


GL (*Hosea 6.6)