Welcome to our on-line Worship Portal!
Here you can find links to all our online services which are taking place whilst our church buildings are closed due to the COVID-19 situation. Rev’d John will conduct these services at the stated times – you are encouraged to play them at said times, so in essence the worship is live, though you are also welcome to take part at your convenience. You may wish to ‘phone a friend’ and allow them to join in the worship with you if they don’t have access to modern tech or gadgets (use loudspeaker on your phone for best results).


All our services can be found on the Parish YouTube channel using this link:


Sunday 4th March 2021
Easter Sunday
9:30am – Holy Communion led by Rev’d Martin Crompton

Sunday 28th March 2021
Palm Sunday
9:30am – Morning Prayer led by Nigel Priestley

Unfortunately, due to technical issues, this service is not available online.

Sunday 21st March 2021
The Fifth Sunday of Lent – Passion Sunday
9:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Sunday 14th March 2021
The Fourth Sunday of Lent – Mothering Sunday
9:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Unfortunately, due to technical issues, this service is not available online.

Sunday 7th March 2021
The Third Sunday of Lent
Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Sunday 28th February 2021
The Second Sunday of Lent
10:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Sunday 21st February 2021
The First Sunday of Lent
10:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Wednesday 17th February 2021
Ash Wednesday Service

Sunday 14th February 2021
10:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Sunday 7th February 2021
10:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Sunday 31st January 2021 – CANDLEMAS
10:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Sunday 24th January 2021
10:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup
Online only

Sunday 17th January 2021
10:30am – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup
Online only

Sunday 10th January 2021
9:30am – Service of the Word

Sunday 3rd January 2021
9:30am – Holy Communion

Sunday 27th December – Christmas I
10:30am – Joint Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup
Online only

Christmas Eve
11:30pm – Midnight Communion from St Bartholomew’s Church – Meltham

Sunday 20th December – The 4th Sunday of Advent
9:30am – Service of Holy Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup
from St Bartholomew’s Church – Meltham

Sunday 13th December – The 3rd Sunday of Advent
9:30am – Service of the Word led by Rev’d John Dracup
from St Bartholomew’s Church – Meltham

Sunday 6th December – The 2nd Sunday of Advent
9:30am – Holy Communion led by Rev’d Dennis Shields
from St Bartholomew’s Church – Meltham

Sunday 29th November – The First Sunday of Advent
10:30 – Parish Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup
from around the Parish of Meltham

Sunday 22nd November – The Feast of Christ the King
10:30am – Service of Holy Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup from Christ Church – Helme

Sunday 15th November
10:30am – Service of Holy Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup from Christ Church – Helme

Sunday 1st November
9:30am – Holy Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup from St James’ – Meltham Mills

Sunday 25th October – 20th Sunday after Trinity

9:30am – A Service of the Word led by Nigel Priestley from St Bartholomew’s – Meltham. https://youtu.be/mwWxBJMSmUM

Sunday 18th October – 19th Sunday after Trinity
A Service of Holy Communion – Live Stream – 9:30am

Sunday 11th October – 18th Sunday after Trinity
Harvest Festival – Live Stream – 9:30am

Sunday 4th October – 17th Sunday after Trinity
A Service of Holy Communion – Live Stream – 9:30am

Sunday 27th September – 16th Sunday after Trinity
A Service of the Word – Live Stream – 9:30am

Sunday 20th September – 15th Sunday after Trinity
Parish Communion – Live Stream – 9:30am

Sunday 13th September – 14th Sunday after Trinity
Service of the Word – Live Stream – 9:30am

Sunday 6th September – 13th Sunday after Trinity
Service of Holy Communion led by Rev’d John Dracup

Sunday 30th August – 12th Sunday after Trinity
Service of Holy Communion led by Rev’d Dennis Shields

Sunday 23rd August – 11th Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 16th August – 10th Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 9th August – 9th Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 2nd August – 8th Sunday after Trinity

Join us for our online Parish Communion Service using this link here:

Sunday 26th July – 7th Sunday after Trinity

Join our online Parish Communion using the link below:

Sunday 19th July – 6th Sunday after Trinity

Join us for a said service of Holy Communion using the link here:

Sunday 12th July – 5th Sunday after Trinity
Join us for our online Parish Communion using the link here:

Sunday 5th July – 4th Sunday after Trinity
Join us from St Bartholomew’s Church – Meltham for our online Parish Communion.
The service is available here and can be viewed at any time:

Sunday 28th June – 3rd Sunday after Trinity
Join us for a live broadcast of our Parish Communion for the third Sunday after Trinity – 28th June. The service will start at 10:30am though you can join a few minutes prior to check your feed is working and prepare for worship. As always, you can watch the service at any convenient time.

The link for the service will be posted here when available:

Sunday 21st June – 2nd Sunday after Trinity
Join us for a live broadcast of our Parish Communion for the second Sunday after Trinity – 21st June. The service will start at 10:30am though you can join a few minutes prior to check your feed is working and prepare for worship. As always, you can watch the service at any convenient time.

The link for the service (Take 2) can be found here using this updated link

Sunday 14th June – Ordinary Time
Join Rev’d John Dracup for our first attempt at a live broadcast of our Parish Communion for the first Sunday of Ordinary Time – 14th June. The service will be broadcast on a live YouTube stream at 10:30am. Despite lots of preparation and testing there’s a possibility that it may not completely work, due to current issues with the mobile network around Meltham, so please forgive us if it doesn’t happen as planned or the quality is not the best – there’s bound to be some technical issues!

If it does work, the video will also be available for viewing at any time convenient to yourself afterwards 🙂

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

Sunday 7th June – TRINITY SUNDAY
Join Rev’d John for a service of Holy Communion for Trinity Sunday.
This can be viewed at any time but he will conduct the service from the vicarage at 10:30am so that the worship may be considered spiritually live. This week, the service features lots of ‘Holy Holy’s’ (30 to be exact!) led by our Virtual Parish Choir who have kindly recorded 2 well known hymns that we normally sing on Trinity Sunday as we didn’t have any previous recordings of these.

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

Sunday 31st May – Pentecost (Whit Sunday)
Join us for a special on-line Parish Communion for Pentecost! – 31st May. This week, not wanting to miss out, Jack, the youngest member of the Dracup family gets in on the act following the appearance of his older brother and sister last week. This can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will conduct the service from the vicarage at 10:30am so that the worship may be considered spiritually live. Today’s service again features our Virtual Parish Choir who have attempted singing 4 part harmony for the first time.

The service can be viewed here via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqACAIdz5Uk

The service booklet can be downloaded here:

Sunday 24th May – Ascension Sunday
Join us for a special on-line Parish Communion for the Sunday after Ascension – 24th May. This can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will conduct the service from the vicarage at 5pm this evening so that the worship may be considered spiritually live. The service words will appear on the video to enable you to join in easily. Today’s service features our Virtual Parish Choir singing a new song for us all to learn and a special demonstration of Jesus going UP!

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

The service booklet can be downloaded here if required:

Sunday 17th May – Rogation Sunday
Join us for a special on-line Parish Communion for Rogation Sunday – 17th May. This can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will conduct the service from the vicarage at 10:30am so that the worship may be considered spiritually live. The service words will appear on the video to enable you to join in easily.

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

Sunday 10th May – Easter V
Welcome to our on-line Parish Communion for the 5th Sunday of Easter – 10th May. You can join Rev’d John by viewing at 10:30am as he also conducts the service from the vicarage or you can view at a time convenient to yourself. The service again features our Virtual Parish Choir who have been busy recording themselves at home.

The service can be viewed using this link:

The service booklet can be downloaded here if required:

Sunday 3rd May – Easter IV
Join us for our on-line Parish Communion at 4:00pm for the 4th Sunday of Easter – Sunday 3rd May. The service featuring our newly formed Virtual Parish Choir (who have recorded themselves individually at home) can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will conduct the service at the vicarage at this time to make the worship spiritually live. The service words will appear on the video to enable you to join in easily.

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

The service booklet can be downloaded here:

Sunday 26th April – Easter III

Join us for our on-line Parish Communion at 10:30am for the 3rd Sunday of Easter – Sunday 26th April. This can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will conduct the service at the vicarage at this time to make the worship spiritually live. The service words will appear on the video to enable you to join in easily.

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

Sunday 19th April – Easter II
Join us for an on-line Parish Communion at 10:30am for the Second Sunday of Easter. Rev’d John will conduct the service at this time to make the worship spiritually live, though you can view it at any time. The service words will appear in the video for you to follow:
The service can be viewed here (via YouTube):

Hallelujah, Christ is Risen!
He is Risen indeed, Hallelujah!

Join us for our on-line Parish Communion at 10:30am to celebrate Jesus, Risen from the dead! This can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will conduct the service at the vicarage at this time to make the worship spiritually live. The service words will appear on the video but you can also follow via the service booklet. Easter-Day-2020 Service Book: Download

The service can be viewed here (via YouTube):

Good Friday Evening
St Bartholomew’s Choir had planned to sing Stainer’s Crucifixion this year. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, this will not be possible this year. We do however, have a recording from 2003 which is available to listen to on-line.

Listen here to Stainer’s Crucifixion: (audio only file)

Traditionally, St Bartholomew’s Choir have sung Stainer’s Crucifixion or Olivet to Calvary on alternate years. We also have a recording from 2004 which is available to listen to online.

Listen here to Olivet to Calvary by J H Maunder (audio only file)

We also have a powerpoint file containing images and the music for Olivet to Calvary. This will not work on all devices (you may get images but not audio), but if you wish to try it, the link is here. It is advisable to download the file first (approx 90MB) and then commence the slide show.
Listen here to Olivet to Calvary with images (powerpoint presentation file)

Good Friday – 2pm
An hour at the Cross – a series of dramatic readings featuring characters involved in the Crucifixion story
Pause the recording and take a few minutes to reflect between each one.

Listen here: (audio only file)


Maundy Thursday – 7pm
Short service of Holy Communion led by Rev’d John

Listen here: (audio only file)


Sunday 5th April – 6pm – Palm Sunday
Parish Holy Communion led by Rev’d John

Listen here: (YouTube video containing audio and service words)

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